Kings County Saloon Is Closing After a Decade in the Neighborhood

It is with a great sadness to announce that one of Bushwick's oldest bars, Kings County Saloon (1 Knickerbocker Ave, previously at 218 Seigel St), will be closing its doors for good on September 27

Tags: kings county saloon

Kings County Saloon Is Closing After a Decade in the Neighborhood

It is with a great sadness to announce that one of Bushwick's oldest bars, Kings County Saloon (1 Knickerbocker Ave, previously at 218 Seigel St), will be closing its doors for good on September 27

It’s Little Dicks, Not Micropenis: 2015 Smallest Penis Pageant Was a Big Success [NSFW]

“It’s little dicks, not micro-penis,” the reporter from Gothamist was told outside of Kings County Saloon just before the event started

The Smallest Penis Pageant Is Returning to Bushwick for the 3rd Year in Row

June is best remembered in Bushwick as the month when the grill finally stays out all weekend, rooftop sunbathing becomes a daily activity and all the delighted residents of Bushwick start taking the A to the Far Rockaways

10 Hot Bushwick-Style Sex Tips To Keep You Warm This Winter

Winter's bearing down on us, and everyone's already battening down the hatches and getting ready to cuddle up against the cold

A Blast From the Dating Past: Kings County Saloon Aims to Find You a Winter Cling This Saturday

You know that feeling you get on a Saturday night when you can’t remember if your dating profile password was “getmeoutofhere” or “miserableloneliness” and your bottle of Malbec is at its last drop? It’s the sort of feeling that makes you wish dating was less tragic and more entertaining? Well,

Kings County Saloon Opens Tomorrow Night

Summer ponderings: Now that Kings County is closed, where can I get a fishbowl full of alcohol and grazed with Swedish fish? Fear not, sweet-toothed alcoholics amongst you: Kings County SALOON opens tomorrow night, and they will be selling a big ol' bowl of booze-soaked candy fishes

Mourn the Loss of Kings County With a Funeral Procession Tomorrow

Now that you've said your goodbyes to the Wreck Room, take a moment tomorrow at 9 PM to mourn the death of Kings County, and to celebrate the birth of Kings County Saloon