The Inner Circle: It’s not elitist, it’s just a dating app with fewer weirdos

The online dating game in New York not only tires your thumbs, but also your soul. All that endless swiping through the gym pics and filtered selfies of potential matches on Tinder and Bumble can really wear you down. I know it’s often made me wonder, “Will I ever date an amazing (sane) person again?”

That’s where The Inner Circle comes in. The app, founded as a response to the number of thumb-heavy dating services on the market, offers a selective dating experience where experts screen all profiles to ensure that its members are inspiring, ambitious, and compatible.

You may have heard of The Inner Circle already and perhaps have a preconception of the type of people who would travel the Tinderless road of such selective dating. In reality it’s an app with nearly 800,000 busy, young professionals looking for an awesome date, just like you.

The experts at The Inner Circle don’t screen profiles with any judgement or bias in mind; all they do is narrow down your introductions to people with similar interests and backgrounds as you — potential partners with whom you are statistically much more likely to hit it off.

Let’s be real here: It’s the 21st century, and statistics in dating are something to be embraced rather than feared. The Inner Circle knows that well, and that’s why they offer the ability to search your favorite location and see who else on the app likes it. Looking for a gym partner or someone who likes your favorite Bushwick dive bar? You can find them on The Inner Circle.

Skip the cruel swiping and stomach-churning feeling of rejection after you get unmatched on Tinder because you accidentally sent an eggplant emoji. Sound all too familiar? 

Register to The Inner Circle for free today!

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