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Christmas Came Early: SantaCon Organizers Pulled Back on Bushwick After a Letter from Council Member [Updated]

Council Member Espinal shares a few words with a few of Bushwick's local bar owners at the Community Board #4 meeting

Bushwick Not Ready for Santification. Local Bars & Council Member Espinal Alike Oppose SantaCon

Yesterday we informed you that the infamous annual bar crawl SantaCon has sent a letter to Bushwick bars announcing that this year's drunk fest will be held in Bushwick on December 13

You Don’t Have To Be a Millionaire, But It Takes a Village

Happy Monday, dear friends & supporters!

Vomit Town USA: SantaCon 2014 is Coming to Bushwick

One Bushwick bar owner opened his inbox the other day, only to find out with terror that Santacon, the (in)famous bar crawl of thousands of drunken Santas will be held in Bushwick this year

Your Big Fat Guide to the Best Bushwick Halloween of Your Life! (Parties, Live Music, Family, Food) [Updated]

It's the time to bow to the Great Pumpkin, the magical goddess of the fall! Get ready for pumpkin carving, pumpkin ale, and pretty much everything else tasting, smelling or looking like pumpkins

Autumn Beer Palooza: Your Guide to Bushwick’s Best Beer Events This Fall

It's not time for long johns just yet, but you'll still need something to put a little fire in your bones on chilly evenings

Tales from the Bush-bug Crypt: Your Vermin Horror Stories

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the

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