Search results: housing

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Parsons Students Created a Gazette to Provide Affordable Housing Info for Bushwick Residents

It's no joke: New York City rents have skyrocketed in the past few years, and will continue to climb for the foreseeable future

City is Sending 50 Sex Offenders for Housing to Bushwick’s Non-Profit for Homeless

Several man in blue t-shirts can be often seen after dusk smoking and talking to each other around The Peter Jay Sharp Center for Opportunity at 89 Porter Ave in East Williamsburg, near Brooklyn Fire Proof

Is the Developer of Rheingold Luxury Condos Avoiding Promised Affordable Housing?

A civic organization, North West Bushwick Community (NWBC), whose missions is to advocate against the displacement of Bushwick's longtime working-class residents and for accountability from developers, has requested that members of Bushwick community sign a petition pressuring the developer of Rheingold luxury condos to build promised affordable housing and to provide local jobs

Affordable Housing at 88 Jefferson St., Bushwick is Accepting Applications

Three 2-bedroom units of affordable housing in Bushwick are currently accepting applications

Bushwick’s “El Garden” Could Be Razed to Create New Housing. Sign the Petition to Save It

Increasing affordable housing and creating community green space are both laudable goals to pursue in the ongoing evolution of NYC's neighborhoods, but a recent decision from city hall to invite developers to turn community gardens across the city into construction sites for new affordable housing seems to pit the two objectives against each other

Yes, Virginia, There Is Available Affordable Housing in Bushwick!

We don't need to remind you that Bushwick is rife with housing tragedies

What We Learned at Silent Barn’s Housing Law Forum

Everyone’s heard at least one horror story about renting in New York City

Reading List: Bushwick Mother Found Dead, Passive Housing

Bushwick Bill is wagin' some Spiritual Warfare on a live band version of his 2009 LP, My Testimony of Redemption

Bushwick Candidates Focused on Housing: Who is Who

Bushwick is divided between the 34th and the 37th Council districts

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