A renegade MTA bus sped through the streets of Bushwick last night, hitting ten cars, a church, and narrowly missing a person. It rolled about two blocks downhill along Palmetto Street from Wyckoff to Knickerbocker Avenues.
The bus was a Q58, which begins its route at the Myrtle-Wyckoff L and M station and continues all the way to Flushing, Queens. The bus driver reportedly put the bus in park and left, but QNS reports the police said it was actually left in neutral.
Shortly after, the bus started rolling and was only slowed by occasional hits to cars along the way. Videos posted to social media were able to capture the speed of the bus and the confusion of people who were outside at 12:30 a.m. and not expecting to see a rogue bus on their quiet block.
It rolled into St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Knickerbocker where it damaged the brick exterior and a fence. But no one was hurt, so in the end this is just a giant facepalm.
Stay vigilant out there, Bushwick! Not only is the MTA making us consistently late to work, it is also sending unmanned buses down our streets.