Bushwick Pastry Sin

By Katarina Hybenova

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Are you looking for a bakery to buy Thanksgiving pastry? Well, look no more! Right here in our beloved town of Bushwick, on the corner of Knickerbocker and Hart, we have the most amazing old-fashioned Italian bakery!

It was shortly before hurriccane Irene threatened to destroy the city when I told to myself: “If I were to die, I wanna have some cookies before,” and found myself walking into this classy establishment. Well, Irene didn’t destroy much in New York, but the cookies from Circo’s Pastry Shop hit me hard!

This time shortly before Thanksgiving, I walked in again. The sweet smell is heavenly; people who work there are sweet too; and the pastry is nothing less than absolutely amazing. Circo’s has been around since 1945, and is known for its legendary cannolis. So if you don’t have a Thanksgiving cake yet, go and commit some pastry sin!

Circo’s Pastry Shop, 312 Knickerbocker Ave (corner Hart St), Bushwick, their website and you can even like them on facebook

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