The woman whose name is unknown, in the picture below punched the Boobs of Bushwick founder, Kate Chiplinsky on Tuesday night after Kate asked her to leave the first annual Boobs of Bushwick party due to her and her companion’s disruptive behavior, Kate and several witnesses say.
But let’s start from the beginning, shall we?

The first annual party of the Tumblr blog, Boobs of Bushwick went down this past Tuesday at The Rookery and it was a major, major hit. It was probably all the press (which we started, ooops) that caused about a million people to show up. Boobs of Bushwick party got written ups by publications from Vice to Village Voice and was even on the news. Or maybe it was the hope of seeing or the freedom of flashing your boobs freely for once.
It came as no surprise that The Rookery had to turn people away once their capacity was filled, as the owner of this fine establishment, Jamie Schmitz told us. The line to get in formed outside and went all the way to the street. (Yes, let’s ponder this fact a little… Have you ever seen a line to The Rookery? I have not. And this thought is giving me a bit of a rush and fear of the near, dystopian future where Troutman Street is just as crowded as Bedford Ave on a Saturday night…)
At the party the boys and girls alike were flashing their boobs, DJ Prince Terrence was spinning like there’s no tomorrow, and everybody got perhaps a little bit too much to drink… Everybody, except Kate Chiplinsky, the Boobs of Bushwick founder and the host of the party. “I decided not to drink that night,” Kate told us on the phone. “I have a social anxiety and Fox News came to interview me, so I wanted to be sober.”
That’s when the dude, pictured above, started to call several of the women party attendees “sluts,” which sucks no matter how you look at that. “I escorted the guy out of the bar as he was calling me a bitch, cunt, slut and whore all the while flipping me the bird just like he’s doing in this photo,” told us Kate. The girl, also pictured above seemed to have come with the dude, got involved.
“He’s screaming at me and she’s also screaming at me but telling him to stop screaming,” Kate continued to describe the crazy situation she found herself in. “I was just standing there silently. Then she asked me “Who the fuck are you anyway?” and so I told her I was the host of the party and unfortunately it was time for her to also leave. Then she punched me in the face and ran away.”
I mean who does that?! This is Kate Chiplinsky before the incident (with boobs in her hands) and after.
The incident happened in the doorway at The Rookery. Jamie explained that they didn’t have a bouncer at the door because they were not permitted to have one by their insurance company. “We’re only supposed to have a person carding,” told us Jamie who also added that they don’t like to hire threatening looking people for the job as it might be intimidating to the bar goers. However, Jamie adds that it was a really great night, which was under the control of the staff with a really cool crowd that behaved fine except this particular instance.
Kate who pretty much took the bouncer job into her own hands told us today that she’s feeling very good emotionally but physically it’s horrible: “I am in so much pain.”
“When I woke up the morning after the party, my bed sheets were covered in blood,” she described. “And when I looked into the mirror I wanted to cry.”
The general response from Bushwick about the incident is pretty much “WTF?! Who does that?!” Kate who has been a bartender in various Bushwick bars for three years feels like this definitely is not a regular situation. “The man and the woman were drunk or on drugs, I don’t know…” she told us.
Kate is now asking Bushwick for their help to identify the woman who punched her. If you know her name please leave us a comment below or email me directly at katarina[at]bushwickdaily.
This is another picture capturing the woman who allegedly punched Kate before the incident.
Even though the night didn’t end the way Kate imagined, she still considers the party a huge success and wants to continue to throw the Boobs of Bushwick parties also in the future. “I have this amazing 8×10 step’n’repeat from Liquid Dreams Design that I love so much and it needs to be used again!” she said.