Holy moly, Bushwick at sunset is incredible. Last week Nicole Craine shared some ridiculously beautiful photos of the magical time between school/work/etc. and bedtime in an Insta-Takeover called “5 to 9.” This entire Insta-Takeover project is most certainly not about the numbers, but I have to brag on her behalf – you folks hearted her photos over 2700 times. TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TIMES IN ONE WEEK. Nicole, you’re a crazy genius and I/we love your work. The bright warm hues of evenings’ beginnings in her photos will make you never want to go to bed. So if you need an eye-opener, go check them out. Now.
And if you like the vibrant hues in Nicole’s photos, you’ll be very happy with this week’s theme: Paint! Suzi Sadler is a New Hampshire-born, Bushwick-based photographer who just celebrated her 10 year anniversary with New York. She shoots her personal work entirely in film, but still enjoys the instant gratification of ‘gramming. Suzi will highlight the wide variety of ways that the surfaces in Bushwick are coated. Look out for graffiti and intricately painted buildings and more over on our Instagram page, and make sure to scroll down for some of Nicole’s fan favorite pics!
I can’t begin to express how thrilled I am that Nicole applied to Insta-Takeover via our super easy application HERE. It’s your chance to apply! You could be the next Nicole!
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