Bushwick Newsy Round Up: The Frozen Edition

This cold, and even colder (photo by Katarina Hybenova for Bushwick Daily)

By now, we all know that Bushwick is, pretty much, the center of the Universe. And as good inhabitants of said important spot, we definitely like to stay on top of all things Bushwick! Never mind the Polar Vortex–it sounds like a Nordic hair metal band anyway– and read what’s going on in the hood right now:

New mayor diBlasio loves Bushwick, and doesn’t hesitate to endorse it in a luxury travel mag. Good? Bad? Neutral? Obvi, NY Post thinks it’s bad. But we’re thankful that at least he didn’t forget about Bushwick’s existence.


Two new apartment buildings are going up on Bushwick Avenue near the Cook mansion between Willoughby Avenue and Suydam Street writes Brownstoner. And yes, they, too, are grey with modern loft-style windows….


A very ugly story ran in the news recently. Menachem Stark, a hasidic landlord (with residential properties also in Bushwick) was found suffocated and burned in a Nassau County dumpster. NY Post, unsurprisingly, brought a sensationalist and potentially anti-semitic coverage of the sad event. Brooklyn Mag got all worked up, and we would have to agree that it’s not really cool to the family and people who actually cared about the man.


A Bushwick clothing store Mandate of Heaven (I personally have never heard about it) based off someone’s apartment found a better deal on rent at Lower East Side than in Bushwick. DNAinfo wrote a story, conclusion of which is that you might be better off finding a deal on a storefront south of Delancey Street than in our pigeon town. Oh well…


It seems like it was yesterday when we took off our pants down and went for a subway ride last time. But in fact a year has passed already! Can you believe it? Do you also sometimes feel like a grandma? 2014 No Pants Subway Ride, a crazy creation of awesome Improv Everywhere, is going down this Sunday, January 12 at 3PM. One of the meeting points is again, Maria Hernandez Park. So take your pants down, people!


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