Your Weekly Train Update: L is for “Let it Snow!” (Or, Actually, Maybe Not)

This much snow! (photo by Katarina Hybenova for Bushwick Daily)

The Bushwick train trio has had a pretty nice service streak as of late  – but of course something had to happen to rain (or snow) on their parade. Although, there are no planned changes for the L, M or J trains, the snowstorm is definitely affecting their service today.

As of 8AM this morning, the L train is running with delays in both directions, which means you should allow yourself plenty of extra travel time. 

The Gothamist reports that “there are some switch problems and service changes as a result of the snow, but the subway system seems to be hobbling along as well as expected,” which is pretty good news.

Also, we have not forgotten about you Bushwick bus riders – about 85% of NYC buses’ tires have been equipped with chains, making it a bit easier for them to keep riding along but with oodles of delays. Conditions will closely be monitored this morning to see if service must be further curtailed.

If you are an adventurous one (and have a snow day AND are willing to bundle up and brave the frosty conditions) WNYC has an interactive map of some of the city’s best snow sledding destinations – let’s put Bushwick on the map! It is like a Yelp for sledding hills!

Happy Riding and enjoy your Friday – even if it does include 12 inches of snow and some frigid temperatures.

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