Sunday Read: ‘Light Switch’ by Adam Cecil

Illustration for Bushwick Daily by Tina Yu.

Light Switch

By Adam Cecil

there is a light switch in my bathroom that does not connect to anything.

i would like to think


that instead of being a dead switch,

it connects by a mile-long wire to a lightbulb in a woman’s apartment,

maybe in brooklyn.

i would like to think

that there is a light switch in her bathroom that does not connect to anything.


she would like to think


that instead of merely being a dead switch,

it connects by a mile-long wire to a lightbulb in a man’s apartment,

maybe in harlem.

there is a light switch in my apartment that does not connect to anything.



Adam Cecil is not an astronaut. He wears glasses and needs a haircut. Contact him on Twitter @fakeadamcecil. It’s all he has left.

Tina Yu studies English and Studio Art at NYU, where she also illustrates for several school publications. When she’s not with friends, Tina enjoys going to art museums, reading American classics and discovering new music.


Sunday Read is a weekly literary feature curated and edited by Wesley Salazar. We are accepting submissions of short stories, poetry, essays, script excerpts, comics, etc. (max: 1000 words) on a rolling basis. We are also looking for artists who would like to illustrate for Sunday Read. Please send submissions to

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