By Eric Littmann

After 3 successful festivals in LA over the last 3 years, DIY/DIT* collective FMLY brought the Fest east to New York for the first time this year. Spanning 3 days and nights (and a budget of $0), just about 50 bands played in McKibbin Park, Bohemian Grove, 13 Thames Street, and Shea Stadium.
The Fest additionally included art installations, panel discussions, and workshops with topics ranging from ‘comic drawing/zine making’ to ‘maintaining anti-oppressive attitudes in DIY communities.’ Notable acts (read: my favorites) included Megafortress, Truman Peyote, Yohuna, Birthdays, Little Spoon, Mutual Benefit, Emily Reo, Chiffon, and Persona La Ave…just to name a few. Check the corresponding mixtape here.

What made FMLY Fest so special was not so much the great music and art, but the ‘feel’. Wowww really? But yeah, I’ll stick to that. The festival was engineered to foster the ‘collective spirit,’ avoiding parallel bookings in different venues or stages, and instead opting for a daytime and nighttime venue for music and activities…even allowing some time for the mass migration between the two.

It’s great to see how much people can do together without kickstarters or sponsorships. While FMLY is working on FMLY Fest in L.A. (#4) for this December, let’s hope for another in Bushwick this time next year. Get involved! Read more about what the eff FMLY is here.
*Do It Together