Poll: Vote for the Best Patio in the Neighborhood!

Poll: Vote for the Best Patio in the Neighborhood!

Jacque Medina


This poll is now closed!

Earlier this week, to celebrate the long-awaited arrival of spring, we asked our readers to nominate their favorite outdoor spaces in the neighborhood. 

We rounded up the nominees across the site and all of our social media accounts, and they are included in a poll below, for your voting pleasure. 

Again, for the sake of this particular poll, we’re defining a patio as a paved outdoor area adjoining a business, bar or restaurant (or a bar/restaurant). And if you need a refresher on our polling and journalistic practices, read our statement from last week’s Best of Bushwick edition. 

We will close the patio poll next Friday, May 5 at 11:59 p.m., so get your votes in while it’s hot! We’ll crown the winner the following Monday! 

Thanks for your nominations! Vote for one of your faves below!

Poll: Vote for the Best Patio in the Neighborhood!

Featured image courtesy of House Of Yes’s Yelp Page.

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