Mercury Retrograde Is Over: Let’s Party

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Mercury, Mercury…Every couple of months you decide to go backwards, and this little kink costs us humans on Earth a lot of trouble. We communicate poorly, our electronic devices break, and if you travel, good luck not missing all your connecting flights. If we try to start anything new, the results are disastrous! It is advised that we go back, review our past steps, and reconnect with old friends and lovers. Luckily the current Mercury Retrograde ends tomorrow, and you don’t have to believe in astrology to celebrate it! To avoid any last organizational hiccups due the notorious planet, plan your weekend with Bushwick Daily and enjoy it to the max!

#1 Loser Tag with Dust, Sadaf Ha & Chris Goldstein @ Bossa Nova Civic Club (SAT 10PM, free)

John Barclay not only co-owns the most rad club on Myrtle Ave., Bossa Nova Civic Club, but is also a founding member of Dust, an electro-acid-house-italo formation that will DJ at Loser Tag to celebrate end of Mercury Retrograde. I mean, John simply gets it.

#2 The Smallest Penis Competition @ Kings County Bar (SAT 5PM)

After Kings County Bar manager Aimee Arciuolo had an extraordinary experience featuring a rather small guy, she decided that the small penis needs a celebration. Yes, Bushwick is the perfect place for all sort of weirdness. The contest is happening this Saturday. Good luck to all the contestants!

Small dick pageant #onlyinbushwick I live in a hilarious neighborhood.

— ▼ I C T O R I ▲ (@witchoria) July 18, 2013

#3  Passkontrol New Album Release @ The Bushwick Starr (FRI 8PM, $10)

If you woke me up at 3AM and asked me who the most legendary of all the legendary Bushwick bands is, I would say: “Passkontrol” (and then I’d be really cranky because I don’t like to be woken up). Passkontrol has just released a new album! It’s called Onderdonk (aww!), and the release party is happening on Friday night at The Bushwick Starr. After the show, everybody is welcome to enjoy The Bushwick Starr dreamy roof! Check out Passkontrol’s lead singer talking about The Bushwick Starr below.

#4 NEW SCULPT, a solo exhibition of LaTurbo Avedon @ TRANSFER (SAT 7-11PM, free)

Transfer is a really cool, new-ish gallery dedicated fully to internet and new media art. It stands a little bit alone on the Bushwick gallery scene, figuratively and literally (it’s located on industrial Metropolitan Ave.), but it really is worth checking it out. I personally appreciate the community that Transfer has managed to create – bloggers, coders, art hackers, etc. And they all come to the openings to celebrate some crazy cyber art. This time it will be LaTurbo Avedon’s solo show and her “dramatically detailed polygonal 3D sculpture.”


Image via LaTurbo Tumblr

#5 2nd Anniversary Party @ Mary Meyer (FRI 6PM-midnight, free)

Bushwick-based fashion designer Mary Meyer is celebrating two whole years of pure awesomeness in Bushwick. Go toss back a $1 beer with this talented woman, and make use of the special discounts they will have tonight only! Oh, and bands!!

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At Mary Meyer (photo by Katarina Hybenova for Bushwick Daily)

#6 Community BBQ in Bushwick @ Chabad of Bushwick, The Loom (SUN 6PM, free)

A community BBQ organized by a Rabbi of Bushwick may not be the most expected of Bushwick Daily recommendations. But, embracing the diversity of this wonderful neighborhood, we have to tell you that Rabbi Menachem Heller is a great guy. Everyone is welcome (if you’re Jewish or not), so swing by, say hi, have some kosher BBQ and Corona, and chat with the Rabbi.

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