Bushwick’s Huberty House Becomes an Official Landmark

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Lizzy Rosenberg


When you think of Bushwick, maybe you don’t immediately think of 350 years of history, but our neighborhood has several locations, which have been recently recognized as historic landmarks, and more are awaiting the status. 

Last week, Huberty House, a 117-year-old colonial-style house at 1019 Bushwick Ave., was declared an official landmark. Ulrich Huberty, a renowned Bushwick architect, built the mansion for his parents Peter and Rosa Huberty in the early 1900s. The landmark not only commemorates the architect’s work, but it also preserves over 100 years of history in North Brooklyn.

The Huberty House’s official landmark status has satisfied both Bushwick residents as well as local historic advocates.

“We are beyond pleased that the Huberty House is finally a historic landmark,”said Simeon Bankoff, Executive Director of NYC’s Historic Districts Council. “This is just the first step towards preserving so many significant rows and blocks in the Bushwick area.”

Residents are looking forward to new landmarks in Bushwick, and Simeon anticipates quite an agenda for the Landmark Preservation Commission (LPC).  

“[The LPC] has been looking into Bushwick’s landmarks for a while now, and they’ve been attending several local council meetings. We can’t speculate what’s to come, but there are many sites and blocks to be considered,” said Bankoff. 

Cover image courtesy of New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission

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