It’s been a good three years since the last redesign of the Bushwick Daily website. And we all know that three years on the internet might as well be 30 in real life. While we like the current look and feel of Bushwick Daily, we are also aware that not everything is entirely user-friendly, and that the current look does not entirely represent our growth as a media company as of 2012.
Because it’s not an easy or heap task to redesign the website well and we don’t have an in-house UX and tech team, we’re trying to do it right, and so we have asked experts to help us. We are working with a UX design team from General Assembly, which is an educational institution providing courses in UX design, data analytics, back-end development, etc.
Ladies from the UX team who are taking their task seriously would like to understand how you, dear readers, use the website in order to design it just right.
Please take a moment, and fill out this super-short survey–you will help us to shape the new Bushwick Daily according to your needs.
Thank you very much!!