The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

Bushwick Daily is doing a round up of all of the best things that the sweaty, raining, raunchy, stinky and still sweet summer of ’12 had to offer. I thought long and hard about what’s been best this summer. Photography has dominated our homepage, but more interesting is seeing what all of YOU have been capturing out there in Bushwick this summer on your Instagram. I searched using


, a great Instagram photo viewer, by tag


 and found almost 22,000 images. Most recently, there are over 200 instagram images tagged Bushwick each DAY. Holy moly, that’s a lot of content to sort through. Skylines, graffiti, tattoos, food and drinks, streetlife, and beautiful faces dominate the feed.

Have you seen our instagram by the way? You should definitely FOLLOW us (@bushwickdaily) for shots of art, food, music, kittens, street art and of course, incredibly attractive people.

That said, here is the BEST OF SUMMER (well, mostly August): Bushwick Instagram.

Best Rooftop Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: ngoziassata

 Best Torential Rain Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: Scarletterie

Best Bike Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: bellumvale

Best Skyline Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

BY: hommecooked 

 Best Streetsign Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: Kimberthug

Sexiest Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: lalulubella

Best Roberta’s Food Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

(*note- this is from Robeta’s garden dinner menu! WHOA!*)

by: EDC138


Best Sky Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: instantcoffee

Best Umbrella Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: aliweds

Most Random Graffiti Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: gerryvisco

Best Pool Party Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: tannerwalle


The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: stephys77

Best Beverage Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

(A Laura Palmer from Cafe Ghia!)

by: mathewleutwyler

Best Garden Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram


Best Self Portrait:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

(that’s Nyssa of The Living Gallery!)

by: the_living_gallery

Best Block Party Pic:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: michaelfauver

Best Graveyard Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: trippingdaises

Best Dessert Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

(OMG yum, a vegan donut? Any clue where this is from?)

by: _mich_mich_

Best Train Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: d2k1323

Best Railroad Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: lalulubella

Best Bathroom Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: mikemascia


The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

(truly hilarious)

by: makeurmark

 Best Group Shot:

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: fatfreehotpockets

And, lastly, let’s go out on a high… each of these graffitis I have actually never seen.


The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: mikeshanephoto

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: landon78er

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

also by: landon78er

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

by: coolrakski

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