Bushwick Daily Is Seeking Video Contributors!

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Mason Mercer

Head Of Video


Since October, Bushwick Daily has been telling more stories with video. If you’re an aspiring filmmaker in Bushwick with a passion for local art and culture, we want you to make videos for us. 

We’ve filmed some pretty cool things in the last six months: an exclusively transgender boxing club, a world-class house musician with a tiny recording studio in his Ridgewood bedroom, and an artist who’s created some of the most-recognizable images in local street art.

Now that we have begun to see how video fits into our editorial mission, we want to step up the number of videos we release. That’s where you come in!

Videos will be 2- to 3-minute mini-documentaries that cover people, places, and things happening in the Bushwick/Ridgewood/East-Williamsburg area.

If you are interested please contact our Head of Video, Mason Mercer, at [email protected] with work samples and your ideas for videos you’d like to make for Bushwick Daily!

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