Bushwick, Find Your Locomotive Love With These Missed Connections on the L Train


Evan Haddad


We’re back with your favorite weekly roundup of all: the fascinating world of Craigslist missed connections. 

Below are the stories of L train riders looking for that locomotion love. Dear readers, could these be about you?


Date: July 2009 

This woman finally posted her missed connection about the mysterious man reading the same author she was one summer night nearly 10 years ago. And now she wants to know just one thing: was it hard or soft?

The book cover, that is.

“We both got on at Union Station and both noticed we each had a different book by James Joyce. We said a couple friendly words. We both got off at Metropolitan / Lorimer. I asked you for directions when we got out of the train. You were blonde, in your 20s, a friendly smile. I have long brown hair, was in my 20s then, maybe in a striped tank top. We went in different directions.”

“I’ve never posted a missed connection before, but I always thought that, if I did, it would be this, so, though I know this is very belated and very silly, I’ve wondered who you are. If this finds you somehow, if it’s you, what Joyce book you were reading? And tell me what edition (or describe cover) and whether it was hardbound or soft.”


Date: Feb. 26

This dude got all hot and musty for a cashier at a vintage clothing store.

“Hey you were the tall cute guy working at Friends. I bought some stuff, and we chatted at the register about birthdays and parties. Would like to meet you outside of work :)”


Date: Feb. 25

This guy was thinking, “my baggy-sweatpants look finally paid off.” 

“Looking for the short, somewhat chubby hispanic woman that I believe was looking at my accidental public hard-on through my sweatpants lol. Despite that embarrasment, I’d like to get to know you.”

“Describe me in your message so that I know it is you.”

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Date: Feb. 24

A straphanger’s Wonder Woman hat delivered the fatal blow to the heart of this poster, who went all jiggly in the knees — only problem being his jeans were too tight to bend.

“You were the pretty blonde girl whose Wonder Woman hat caught my eye on the L. You were wearing black slacks, a black coat, and a gray sweater. I believe you got off at Graham?”

“When you looked up and saw me staring at the hat (and also definitely you), you smiled slightly in response to my awkward gaze. I was the long, sandy-colored hair guy about 5’7, had a beard, and was wearing a black shirt, jeans, and a blue chambray overshirt.”

“I would definitely like to meet up and talk/get drinks. Hit me up, Diana.”

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== can’t get enough of those new glasses – m4w

Date: Feb. 24

In the foggy reflection of a woman’s new glasses, this man saw their future life together: They would name their baby “Ray.” 

“We talked several minutes about your new glasses that you bought online at Eyedirect. I’m the tall guys with glasses 🙂

“Let’s grab coffee!”

So that’s all for the week of missed connections, Bushwick. If you have an incredible memory for strangers and think one of these posts is about you, leave us a comment — we want to pair you up with your missed connection!

Cover art by D.R. Beitzel for Bushwick Daily

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