VIDEO: J.Albert Makes World-Class House Music From a Tiny Bedroom Studio in Ridgewood

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Mason Mercer



J.Albert (also known as Jiovanni Nadal) is an electronic “house” musician (and co-owner of Exotic Dance Records) creating music from his tiny bedroom in Ridgewood. Though the music is made from home, J.Albert’s music has reached an audience worldwide.

When he first moved to New York over 5 years ago, before the J.Albert moniker existed, Jio was focused on playing his guitar and doing the “band thing.”

House music wasn’t an immediate obsession for J.Albert. “I’d just started getting into house music, but it took awhile for me to really understand it, because I still hadn’t gone out. We started going to parties and I started to see the music in the context of a party and the music as the fuel for a room.”

Lucky for him Bushwick is home to a nice selection of clubs playing house music for him to cut his teeth on.

Eventually Jio put down the guitar and started trying his hand at producing electronic music, which quickly became his sole focus.“I made a track everyday for 35 days in a row or something crazy like that.”

“I’m done trying new stuff out, I’m just gonna do this one thing, I’m not gonna try to be a painter, I’m not gonna try to do video,  I’m not gonna try to do all the stuff that I’m curious and interested by, I’m just gonna do music,” Jio told Bushwick Daily.

In the past 3 years, J.Albert has put out 11 different cassette and vinyl releases on seven different labels. He regularly travels to perform in dance clubs all around the world.

You can check out some of his music here or follow him on Instagram 

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