The Short Film ‘Welcome to Bushwick’ Will Make You Rethink That Next Date

Magdalena Waz


There’s no shortage of movies and music using Bushwick in their titles to evoke a very specific place and time. The most prominent example is “Bushwick” a feature-length film featuring Dave Bautista that recently screened at Cannes, but another project with more humble beginnings just launched an Indiegogo campaign.

At its core writer/director Henry Jinings whose most recent project premiered at Slamdance says “‘Welcome to Bushwick’ is a short, dark comedy about the folly of first dates inspired by the fear of encountering the unfamiliar and unknown, taking inspiration from what stirs up those feelings inside all of us.”

Jinings tells Bushwick Daily he had “been living [in Bushwick] at the time of conceiving the story.” And let’s be honest, what better setting for a first date horror story than this neighborhood?

Producer Raj Trivedi adds “It’s such a fun, fresh little short about the fears of first dates!  Sometimes the universe connects you with things you believe in, and being connected to Henry in this way was just serendipitous. The writing is so sharp and honest without the pretense of ‘cleverness,’ I jumped at the opportunity to collaborate and help bring the project to life.”

You can watch the trailer below:

As with all films, the Indidgogo campaign is used to fund the production from equipment rental all the way to the snacks for crew. The filmmakers estimate they will need to raise $13,000 to bring their vision to life.

Contributing $10 will get you access to the digital copy so you can see for yourself what kind of terrors meet the main character. A whopping $1,000 will get you an Executive Producer credit, just in case you’re thinking about getting to that line of work. 

We hope to catch it at a festival soon!

Featured image courtesy of “Welcome to Bushwick.”

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