UPDATE: Where to Watch the Democratic Primary Debate in Bushwick

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Democratic presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are scheduled to square off at the Brooklyn Navy Yards tomorrow evening. While ringside seats might sound like fun, tickets to the event are hard to come by. Luckily for you, dear reader, a few local businesses have your back and are hosting debate screenings so their patrons can take in all that stirring political rhetoric with a beer in hand and in the company of friends.

Local watering holes Divine Bar and Lantern Hall will both be welcoming in any and all election enthusiasts for tomorrow night’s debate, which starts at 9pm and is scheduled to wrap up at 11pm. While both viewings are being hosted by some of Bushwick’s many Sanders enthusiasts, it would not be in the spirit of the occasion for Bernie’s home team to be anything other than courteous with respectful supporters of other candidates, as Clinton and Sanders have been with each other in the past—though Trump fans be warned, there will be a piñata of your candidate for you to contend with at Lantern Hall.

Plan on arriving ahead of time to grab a seat—it’s going to be an interesting watch!

Are you a bar hosting a debate viewing tomorrow night? Let us know stat and we’ll update this piece with your info—we’re sure these two spots are going to get crowded!

UPDATE: Miles and the Ridgewood Democratic Club are also hosting debate viewings, which also look great.

RSVP on Facebook for Divine Bar here and Lantern Hall here.

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