This Local Flower CSA Is Brought to You by a Bushwick Food Coop Manager & the Fine and Raw Ops Director!

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Photo courtesy of True Leaves Floral.

A Kickstarter which launched Tuesday is seeking seed money for a new local agriculture project created by seasoned Bushwick garden advocates who want to grow the neighborhood’s bouquets.

True Leaves Floral is the brainchild of Jessica Balnaves (who many Bushwick residents may know as a manager of the Bushwick Food Coop) and Ryann Mead, who may be a familiar face to those who frequent Fine & Raw chocolate (Mead is the chocolate company’s Operations Director).

The duo, who were Metro New York’s cover story today, have planned out a “seed to vase” model for their business, which will start in Balnave’s back yard garden and end with hand-delivered seasonal bouquets in the homes of True Leaves subscribers and other patrons.

Their well-considered strategy is laid out in detail on their Kickstarter, where nearly 80% of the $5,000 they need to get started has already been pledged.

Balnave’s message for Bushwick Daily’s readers: “Ryann Mead and I are pouring our hearts and souls into growing beautiful flowers for all of you beautiful people!”

Check out the Kickstarter here, or follow True Leaves on Facebook and Instagram for updates.

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