Carpe Your Diem with These Art Events This Weekend!


Seize the moment this weekend- the first official full weekend of summer! While some might already be in lazy vacation mode, counting down the days ’til their ticket out of the city, their are several reasons to hold back and stick around Bushwick! This weekend’s offerings not only include some incredible performance and video, but there are also some stellar exhibitions that are closing and not to be missed! As my sister likes to tell me on days that I’d rather sleep-in than venture out into the world, “carpe the shit out of your diem!”

#1 “Suggestion, That is the Dream: Arshile Gorky and a Selection of Contemporary Drawings” @ OUTLET (FRI-SUN, 12-6PM)

This is your last weekend to see this spectacular exhibition at OUTLET, where over thirty contemporary artists engage in artist conversation with a breathtaking Arshile Gorky work on paper “To my Mougouch (dedicated to Agnes Magruder),” from 1946. The ability for a work to resonate so strongly with contemporary styles close to 70 years after its creation is a testament to the mastery of the artist who is considered one of the fathers of post-war modernity and abstraction. Do not miss this last opportunity to see this tremendous show this weekend!

#2 “Seeking Space” Closing Reception @ The Active Space  (FRI, 7PM)

One of the crowning jewels in the AiB Bushwick Open Studios, the “Seeking Space” exhibition will have one last hurrah with a closing party tomorrow. Celebrating a successful fifth year, the curators/organizers Julia Sinelnikova and Jillian Salik have put together an incredible showcase of local Bushwick-based artists, with a strong focus on new and site-specific works. This concept of “Seeking Space” was a prevalent theme at this year’s BOS, as the entire community has become distinctly aware of the increasingly sped-up gentrification of Bushwick, and the implications of artists to carve out a space for themselves here. If you missed it during BOS, come out tomorrow night for a toast to all of the goodness the artists of Bushwick have to offer!

#3 “Good Job, Everybody ” @ TSA (FRI 7-10PM)


Ever pick up a press release at an exhibition only to be immediately inundated with a page of art jargon that seems almost entirely nonsensical? Me too, but most of us are afraid to admit it- sort of an “emperor’s new clothes” effect. TSA’s new group exhibition takes umbrage with this tendency, especially when curators tirelessly try to tie evidently disassociated works together through meandering and dense description. Instead, “Good Job, Everybody,” curated by Will Gabaldon, seeks to let each artist shine individually, regardless of any sort of overarching theme or current artistic trends. Gabaldon allows each work, and artist, to speak for him or herself, while possibly even allowing the viewer to see the works individually and draw their own conclusions on the way in which they interact.

#4 “Body as Omen” Closing Reception and performances @ Ortega Y Gasset (SAT, 6PM)


It is with heavy heart that I must report that not only is this the final chance to see the “Body as Omen” exhibition, but it is also the last show for the gallery in the 17-17 Troutman space. After clashes with the landlord who has since forced all the galleries out of the building, OYG is saying farewell to this space, but they are looking forward to what’s next on the horizon! Help OYG go out with a bang with an extra-special performance, featuring Michael Dudeck and Blanko + Noiry.

#5 FEMME Celebrate Pride @ Morgan Avenue Underground (SAT 8PM-12AM)

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But I’m a Cheerleader

Celebrate the start of summer with the Morgan Avenue Underground’s first outdoor screening of the 1999 queer classic “But I’m A Cheerleader,” along with their group show that deals with varying aspects of femininity, identity and sexuality. Stay after the screening for special performances by Ariel Italic and what’s always a fun after-party. There is a pay-what-you-can suggested donation at the door, and don’t forget to show up early for “Early Bird Beer!”

#6 “Hard Feelings” Closing Reception with Special Performance @ Sardine (SUN, 4PM)


One more opportunity this weekend to view Sardine’s exhibition of Mitchell Wright’s recent paintings, in case you didn’t make it to the opening during BOS. Known for his detailed drawings and beautiful composition, the show takes dramatic abstraction, both dark and luminous but awesomely beautiful, allowing the power of the composition to come from the feeling of the artist rather than the size of the canvas. The closing reception will feature a special performance of Neil Young covers by musician Brad Tim Bailey.

#7 Videorover Part 3 @ NURTUREart (FRI, 7-9PM)

This Friday, NURTUREart will open the third installment of season 8 of its Videorover project. Completely this season’s trilogy, this final installment will fit within the themes of this season’s entire series, dealing with video as a form of installation and the way video can in fact inhabit the space as other mediums, as well as present a conversation between the three artists featured:Dave Greber, Derek G. Larson, and Sofia Quirno.Like a crescendo, the final three artists’ work will present a raucous, visually complex fully immersive in which the viewer will be enveloped.


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