The Wait Is Over! 8 Art Openings this Weekend Will Be Here Before You Know It!

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A wise man once said, “Good things come to those who wait.” The weekend always seems sweeter after a hectic week at the office, and a big ol’ chocolate brownie always tastes better after a killer yoga class. Sometimes though, especially to us New Yorkers who are used to getting what we want in a New York minute, the waiting can seem a bit overrated. Lucky for us, this month you don’t have to wait long for another round of amazing weekend art openings in Bushwick! If you thought last week’s slew of art openings was hopping, you are in for a real treat this upcoming weekend. It’s week two of The Return of Art in Bushwick, as more of our beloved art spaces embrace the fall art season with exciting shows that are going to make you realize that waiting around is for suckers.

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Paul Gagner at Centotto

1. Re: Documents @ Centotto (FRI 7-10PM)

Paul Gagner’s working process involves the decodification of signs and messages that we would recognize from our everyday life: a NY State driver’s license, a red and orange for sale sign, a blank check. All of the works possess an autobiographical feel, as if you are viewing an intimate section of the artist’s personal life. At the opening this Friday there will also be an artist talk at 8PM where Gagner will discuss his work.

Lindsay Packer, at Parlour Gallery (photo courtesy of the artist’s website)

2. Show #7 @ The Parlour (FRI 6-9PM)

The Parlour returns after their summer hiatus with their simply titled Show #7 which features multimedia works by a small group of artists examining the passage of time, drawing from both personal and collective social histories. The sophisticated monotype prints of Steven Arnerich mourn the passing of a technology faced with extinction, while a film by art duo Jack+Leigh Ruby explains how they turned from insurance scam artists into experimental conceptual art. Lindsay Packer’s sculptural/video works will challenge the viewer’s ability to discern what is or is not physically present.

“All-Over or Nothing” at Parallel Art Space

3. All-Over or Nothing @ Parallel Art Space (SAT 6-9PM)

While this show actually opened last week, the exhibition opening will be this Saturday, in order to coincide with other openings in the 1717 Troutman building. All-Over or Nothing features work by several artists who utilize the entire picture plane of their canvas, resulting in the “all-over” effect, where the painted surface could seemingly go on forever if it wasn’t for the canvas.

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Goya Yoga at Ortega Y Gasset

4. Goya Yoga – One night event w/ Bad as I Wanna Be @ Ortega y Gasset Projects (SAT 6-10PM)

Ortega y Gasset describe what’s going on this Saturday night as a “one night non-event.” In conjunction with the continuing exhibition of Bad as I Wanna Be which features the art of several artists whose work starts by using flesh and skin as a vehicle from which to then move forward. Goya Yoga invites visitors to come sit on yoga mats (or not), drink Goya juice (or not), and experience the space while allowing your perception to shift just slightly.


5. Puss by Don Pablo Pedro @ English Kills Gallery (SAT 7-10PM)

Let Don Pablo Pedro lead you through what he terms the “sexual obituaries…of nights that have gone terribly right.” The artist recounts the story of modern love through thirty scrolls that are commemorative caricatures  of a number of his sexual conquests. Not just his own sexual experience, the body of work represents a certain larger spirit and understanding of how we date, hook up, and then (often) part ways.

Abdolreza Aminlari at Jackie Klempay

6. Abdolreza Aminlari @ Jackie Kemplay (SAT 7-10PM)

Using  photography as her primary medium, Abdolreza Aminlari aims to reduce, zooming in, and shifting the focus from what would have been a recognizable object or location to the essence of the space it possesses. Lacking a sense of scale or a familiarity of objects, Aminlari renders three-dimensional spaces flat, completely changing the viewer’s perspective on something that might have initially been familiar.

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Zach Nader, “Family Vacation/02” 2013 at Microscope Gallery

7. This is our house / this is our rules / and we can’t stop @ Microscope Gallery (SAT 6-9PM)

Always centered around an interest on film and media, Microscope’s upcoming exhibition will feature the work of several emerging artists who are interested in the intersection of art with social media platforms and other technological devices. Through hacking, appropriation, and manipulating the images found online, the artists all work to examine our relationship with these sites, how the notions of privacy is changing, and the issues of online censorship and surveillance.


“Collide” at Harbor Gallery (photo courtesy of the gallery’s webstie)

8. Collide @ Harbor Gallery (SAT 7-10PM)

As the title of the exhibition would suggest, Collide features the work of six artists whose work is constructed through the combination of various everyday materials, which are brought together in previously unimagined ways. The results of these different combinations vary and the show allows viewers to experience both the melodic and seamless to the more cacophonous or dissonant results.

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