In the Cards: La Grotta Tarot Society Hosts Inaugural Event Thursday

La Grotta Tarot Society Wants to Clue You In!

Have you been feeling that civic organizations in the neighborhood have been lacking a certain esoteric je ne sais quois? Well, you’re not alone. For those of you who like the ritual of sitting down with someone versed in the arts of prophecy, we have some good news: This coming Thursday (the night of the full moon, naturally) and every other week thereafter, La Grotta Tarot Society is hosting an event with House of Screwball just for you! The event will be taking place at La Grotta’s headquarters in Ridgewood.

The lineup for the night includes House of Screwball maven and host for the evening Miss Darcey who will be reading palms; the proprietress of the LA-based Tarot by Sophia will be doing readings for the first part of the evenings while DJ Sex Libris, fresh off a stint as house DJ for Molasses Books popular BackStock dance party spins tunes; later on, B.J. Dini, performance artist and organizer of the Spectrum’s QUEERBALLAH occult study group, will be lecturing on Queerballah, followed by some Dadaist short films.

If you’ve been suckered into paying ridiculous rates by Manhattan’s psychics to the very wealthy, no need to fear for your bank account this time around. The society is requesting that attendees pay a sliding scale $3-$10 membership fee at the door, the price of which includes two free drinks, and has a $10-$20 suggested donation for the evening, but you can negotiate your own rates for your readings.

So if you need news about a dark handsome stranger or you’re feeling like your weekly horoscope hasn’t been cutting it lately, stop by and see what the future holds for you!

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