Local Organization to Unveil a New Mural and Raise Funds for Bushwick Mutual Aid this Labor...

“This event will shed light on the various environmental issues affecting the community at large, with proactive solutions,”

Tags: grafitti

Local Organization to Unveil a New Mural and Raise Funds for Bushwick Mutual Aid this Labor Day

“This event will shed light on the various environmental issues affecting the community at large, with proactive solutions,”

A ’90s Graffiti Artist Reflects on Bushwick: Adam Maldonado, Then And Now

Adam Maldonado is a 52-year-old Bushwick native and a graffiti artist since he was a teenager.

Police Seek Man Filmed Writing “Die Yuppies” & Drawing a Swastika At Bushwick Construction Site

Police are on the lookout for a man who wrote "die yuppies" and drew a swastika in wet cement at a Bushwick construction site in the early hours of Friday morning

Banksy in Bushwick Decoded: Talk with Subway Art Blogger Jowy Romano

While we're thrilled that Banksy's put up a new work that Bushwick can call its very own, the incomparable international man of mystery has, as usual, left us with lots of questions about this contribution to the street art mecca we call home

The Best of Summer: Bushwick Instagram

Bushwick Daily is doing a round up of all of the best things that the sweaty, raining, raunchy, stinky and still sweet summer of '12 had to offer