What to Know Before Getting an Emotional Support Peacock as a Pet in Bushwick

Peacock's are beautiful birds, but aside from their ability to get you booted off of flights, there are a number of reasons why you don't want one as a pet in NYC.

Tags: Dexter the Peacock

What to Know Before Getting an Emotional Support Peacock as a Pet in Bushwick

Peacock's are beautiful birds, but aside from their ability to get you booted off of flights, there are a number of reasons why you don't want one as a pet in NYC.

A Viral Bushwick Artist Is Performing For Preschoolers

Ventiko is a meme—and also an arts educator.

Bushwick Shows its Colors: Bushwick Street Style with Ruthie Darling

Perhaps it's the influence of the rainbow bagel, but this week the streets of Bushwick were alive with color