Several businesses on a one-block stretch of Troutman Street have in common property owner Marcelo Bavaro, a frame maker who, since March, has helped his tenants weather the Covid pandemic.
Several businesses on a one-block stretch of Troutman Street have in common property owner Marcelo Bavaro, a frame maker who, since March, has helped his tenants weather the Covid pandemic.
Black Seed, which has seven stores scattered around the city, is known for combining - in a way some purists may find heretical - the attributes of the disparate Montreal and New York bagel styles.
191 Knickerbocker, which prior to the COVID pandemic provided Bushwick with skillfully executed comfort food, has partnered with local organization Noise Church to help residents in need.
Gordo's executive chef, Mexico City native Reyna Morales, is a 25-year veteran of the industry; her food is evidence both of abundant experience and intimate knowledge of her country's cuisine.