After months of eager anticipation, Tyson Ho has finally delivered on a promise he made back in March: whole hog, North Carolina style BBQ, accompanied by an obscene number of craft beers, right here in Bushwick. On the corner of Morgan Ave and Scholes St, Uncle Ho has been putting together one hell of a beer hall (just in time for Ocktoberfest!), and we’ve got the pictures to prove it below. Uncle Ho is a veteran of the whole hog party, and he’s pulling out all the stops for his grand opening next Wednesday, October 8th.
mmm whiskey and bourbon…

mmm North Carolina represent…
Come next Wednesday, if not to stuff your face with meat and beer, then to get a free pig tattoo from Gnostic tattoos, or to watch life graffitti and mural work by Bushwick Collective, or to enjoy live music and entertainment by local Bushwick artists, or even for the “more silliness as [Tyson] comes up with it.”
mmm shipping container turned bbq kitchen…
mmm crazy lookin’ graffiti pig…
mmm brand new shiny beer hall…
Tyson the hog man himself!
And after all the NYC press love Arrogant Swine’s been pulling in over the last few weeks, I can guarantee you this is gonna be a shindig no self-respecting (gag-me-with-a-spoon-for-using-this-word) foodie is gonna miss.
mmm pig’s head…
Arrogant Swine will be located at 173 Morgan Ave. They’ll be opening next Wednesday, October 8th at 5 PM.