Welcome to Friday Foodstagram, where we round up some of the most appetizing looking insta’s from everyone’s favorite neighborhood establishments. Don’t have time to browse everyone’s instagram to figure out what you’re gonna stuff in your mouth this weekend? That’s the kind of time-saving shenanigans this round up can do for ya. Hashtag your photos #BushwickEatz to appear here next week!
#1 Vegetarian Mazemen @ King Noodle (@KingNoodleBK, 1045 Flushing Ave)
Treat yourself to a vegetarian feast at your favorite day-glo noodle shop on Flushing Ave. Spicy roasted eggplant, pickled Sichuan vegetables, and of course, lots and lots of cabbage.
#2 Veggie Party @ Bushwick Food Coop (@bushwickfood, 2 Porter Ave)
For those weekends when you almost feel like a grown up, wake up early on a Saturday, not hungover at all, hit up a vigorously relaxing yoga class and a two mile run, then swing by the Food Coop to pick up a basket of vegetables so you can go home and make yourself a salad for dinner.
#3 Steak Night @ Meat Hook (@meathooksandwich, 495 Lorimer St)
Okay, we’ll admit, this is not in Bushwick and it’s not even this weekend. But if you haven’t gone over to try out Meat Hook’s sandwiches, you are living half a life. They’re open for lunch seven days a week (11AM to 4 PM) and they’re doing a steak night special ($25 for a steak and beer) on Wednesdays. But if you live in that magical land known as ‘East Williamsburg’ or ‘Williamsburg,’ they will, for a nominal fee, deliver one of their bitchin’ sandwiches straight to your doorstep.
#4 Freigeist’s Abraxxxas @ The Sampler (@theSamplerBk, 234 Starr St)
Although this might be more accurately filed under #BushwickDrinkz, it’s still an awesome way to start your weekend. Or if you can’t bring yourself to commit to a bottle, try a flight of delicious craft beer.
#5 Grilled Cheese @ The WheelHouse (@zosiaamosia28, 165 Wilson Ave)
Have you been in to check out The Wheelhouse yet? Not only do they have a super fun selection of grilled cheese sandwiches, but they have trivia night and open mic night each week. And they have a liquor license now, so you can get sloshed while filling your belly with dairy!