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Artist Flashcards: Many Faces of Delphine Diallo

Each week Bushwick Daily brings you a new Artist FlashCard, introducing an amazing artist living/working/showing in Bushwick who you need to know

Bushwick-based Performance Artists Make National News with ‘In Orbit’

Bushwick-based performance artists Alex Schweder and Ward Shelley recently made headlines with their explorative performance piece In Orbit, currently at The Boiler | Pierogi

Artist Flashcards: Sessa Englund Inside and Out

Each week Bushwick Daily brings you a new Artist FlashCard introducing an amazing artist living/working/showing in Bushwick who you need to know

Artist FlashCards: Alta Buden is a Cut Above

Each week we bring you a new Artist FlashCard featuring an amazing artist living/working/showing in Bushwick who you need to know

Bushwick Art Space Nurtures New Wave of Young Artists

This past Monday night NURTUREart held their annual benefit, where a varied mix of painting, sculpture, collage and drawings covered the walls, and collectors and critics mixed with teenagers with art school ambitions

Associated Gallery to Exhibit Plants Collected from Artists and Galleries

I was not sure what to expect when I arrived to the gallery late last night, but was immediately surprised and impressed by the incredible effect the plants had on the space

NURTUREart Celebrates 15 Years of Supporting Emerging Artists

NURTUREart began by putting on shows in borrowed space - empty Lower East Side storefronts, the corporate lobby of Citibank, the United Nations

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