Search results: 2017

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Playing in Bushwick: Dreams Of A Queer Dance Festival Land At The Mirage

An elaborately curated dance festival hits the warehouses of Bushwick this Pride weekend

The State of Voter Suppression in New York

Voter suppression still happens in New York "in insidious ways"

Local Publicity Shop Searches For Clients That Vibe

The former co-owner of Bushwick's shuttered Troll Hole now writes press releases for innocence campaigns and drag queens.

Irving Bottle Has A Wine Club

Subscribe soon and land a $25 gift card.

A Hit-And-Run Goes Viral In Ridgewood.

Bob Holden gets Eric Adams' new transportation department head to make an early appearance on a busy intersection in Queens

Conversations with Neighbors: Ashley Strongarm

The Bushwick singer has a new single out and it's called “Oh Honey"

Kindergarten Rules For Teaching ‘Black Lives Matter’ To A Disney Princess

Calvin Z. Heyward, a local writer and educator, writes more about some of the struggles Black fathers endure and overcome.

The Bands Are Battling. (In Bushwick.)

Bands get ready to compete for a $5,000 prize on the roof of Our Wicked Lady.

Lab Tests Show Dangerous Levels of Lead Falling From Bushwick Subway Stations

Streets in Bushwick may be subject to dangerous lead exposure. Because of the quiet stripping of 2018 legislation by former governor Andrew Cuomo, the extent of the problem remains largely unknown. A Bushwick Daily investigation.

Take a Walk Back in Time: Exploring Bushwick History From the Early 1600s to Today

There's a lot of history in these streets we call home. Take a second to look back at the 400-year history of Bushwick, Brooklyn.

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