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Here Are 5 Events to Check out This Week in Bushwick

These make for great photo opportunities to share with us.

How to Make It as a Professional Dog Walker in Bushwick

It sounds like a dream, but it’s a lot more than playing with puppies all day.

Trans Monogamist Dating: Hello, New York

An excerpt taken from Joshua Byron's new book of essays.

Bushwick Sartorialists Will Find Stunning, Distinctive Pieces at Pussy Willow Vintage

Pussy Willow proprietor Brooke Goldberg searches high and low to find interesting threads for her customers.

This Bushwick Actor’s New Play Retells Biblical Scriptures, “With Just a Hint of Blasphemy”

"Let There Be Stuff," Gill's first musical, is a retelling of six books from Genesis.

Photos: Spectacular Drag Ungendered at Bushwig 2016

"All you queens, come to the House of Bushwig, the doors never close and we take everyone!"

Funny/Sexy/Sad Reading Series Hopes to Titillate Literary Bushwick

On July 14th, Molasses Books, Bushwick's beloved bar, cafe, and bookstore, will once again become the site of of a reading series where writers are asked to present their funniest, sexiest, and saddest work

This New Feature on Happn Might Be the Best New Way to Meet Crushes

The thing about meeting other single people is that you kind of have to be in the right place at the right time

Bushwick Art Show Explores the Identities of American Millennials Through an Open Call Photo Shoot

Think how cool it would be if you walked into an art gallery and saw a photo portrait of yourself on display

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