Fritzl’s Lunch Box Closing Down For Good This Sunday

Bushwick burger joint Fritzl’s Lunch Box is officially closing this Sunday, June 26th.

Eater first broke the news that owner and chef Dan Ross-Leutwyler was toying with the idea of selling the space back in March when he put the space up for sublease. “Nothing is final yet. It’s a highly competitive market that I’ve chosen to open my business in. It’s difficult. It’s not easy” he said at the time. Now, three months later, it’s happening for real. Ross-Leutwyler said the following of his decision:

“I’m not ruling anything out, but being a chef in a restaurant is a lot less appealing to me given the physical/psychological toll that Fritzl’s has taken. Being a chef is just a lot less important to me now, especially since there are many more opportunities available in the food industry today (catering, delivery only “restaurants,” pop-ups, etc). It would really have to be a perfect fit for me to consider running a restaurant kitchen again. I hope this doesn’t sound too negative. The main thing for me now is family. I have a two-year old son that I don’t get to spend enough time with. My wife works crazy hours, too. We’ve had 4 days off together the past 8 months and that really needs to change.”

After three years and “almost 40,000 burgers” the neighborhood will miss Fritzl’s, but we can understand Ross-Leutwyler’s desire to spend more time with his family. Make your way over to this Bushwick favorite before they close for good this Sunday.

via Eater

Cover image: Fritzl’s Lunch Box. Photo by by Katarina Hybenova for Bushwick Daily.

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