Silent Barn Releases Statement After Fire Destroys Above Apartments and Venue

Photo via Silent Barn Facebook

On Friday, news broke out that a fire had started in the apartment above Silent Barn, a beloved music and art venue on Bushwick Ave. While no one was harmed, the fire caused extensive damage to the above apartments and the venue itself. All upcoming events are canceled as residents struggle to regain the loss of the fire.

According to the FDNY, a fire broke out on the third floor of 603 Bushwick Avenue at around 10:36 p.m. The event of the night, Freak Out Fest, was put on hold.

Silent Barn released a statement after the devastating fire. We’ve pulled out the super important bits, but you can read the full statement here.

“Silent Barn experienced a fire on the third floor, in the apartments. There were people in the apartments and a show taking place downstairs in our mainspace, but everyone made it out of the building safely. We believe an electrical malfunction caused the fire, and hope to confirm the cause soon.

We are making every effort to support our residents during this difficult time, and we’re happy to say that the donations we’ve already received through our website can likely cover personal losses.

We’re hoping to maintain (and even extend) our daytime cafe hours and community programming. Stopping in to buy a coffee, hanging out in the yard, or even just working on your computer here are great ways to support us in this stressful time.”

Silent Barn moved to their current location in 2012 and has put on such events as Meow Day and Biter, an experimental play.

You can help residents affected by the fire and the venue by donating on their website as well as joining their fire recovery group here.

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