48-hour long art experiment this weekend!

…do you know what you are doing this weekend? I surely know what

Julie Torres

and 13 other artists will be doing… They will all be part of an insane art experiment

48 HRS

, during which they will be creating artwork, sleeping, and finally having a party!

Participating artists will meet up in Camel Art Space (722 Metropolitan Ave. Second Floor, Brooklyn) on Friday October 21, at midnight. They will be creating art work for the following 24 hours straight (!!!). After this creative insanity, they will have time to rest for 12 hours, i.e. from midnight on Saturday to noon on Sunday. On Sunday at noon to midnight, the doors of Camel Art Space will be open, and everyone is welcomed to take look at the artwork created during the experiment, and to join the creative bunch celebrating the last third of 48 HRS!

Here, take a look at this helpful timetable of 48 HRS:


Don’t despair! Thanks to Twitter you can also witness the first 36 hours of the experiment. Look for hashtag #48HRS or simply come to the Bushwick Daily website. We will be displaying every tweet containing hashtag #48HRS throughout the entire experiment. The artists will be tweeting and posting pictures right from the site.

Also Bushwick Daily’s Katarina Hybenova, will be photographing and videotaping the entire process. In regular intervals, some photographs will appear on Bushwick Daily, and in the end the photo and the video documentation will be exhibited as part of the art show!

Artist Julie Torres is a big fan of painting marathons and the mastermind behind 48HRS. Julie has herself undergone several “mini” painting marathons, and a 24 hour-long one, which took place at the headquarters of popular art blogazine Hyperallergic. We asked her what to expect.

1. You are a big fan of painting marathons. Where did you get the idea to start with them?

Geddes Levenson first introduced me to painting marathons, which she began doing about a year ago with her friend, Annie Blazejack. I’ve also done a bunch with Austin Thomas. And yes- I love them! Thank you, Geddes!

2. Why do you think that painting marathon as a creative method works for you?

They encourage me to push myself. I tend to paint for long periods, but working in such a focused way with another person is much more intense. And also, you sort of absorb what the other person is doing. Last time with Geddes, she was drawing these bees- and next thing you know- I’ve got these black and yellow stripes going through my piece (see photo.) That sharing of energy and experience thrills me.

3. I know that you have been gearing up for 48HRS by doing shorter painting marathons with your close friends. Can you tell us more?

The longest I’ve gone with Geddes is 15 hours. We were pretty fried at the end. But she’s gone 24-hours straight with Annie, so I know that it’s possible! I’ve painted for 15 hours on my own, but there’s something different about hunkering down in one room with another person. When I work from home I take breaks, check email, make a phone call, etc– but this experience is different. It’s very concentrated. So yeah- that’s the longest I’ve gone, 9 hours short of the goal! But it helps.


4. How do you perceive the role of the public that will come to the show after you finish a painting marathon?

That’s a tough one. I don’t know that it’s up to me to say what a viewers’ role is, but I do have some ideas about enhancing interaction with people who come to the show. I can’t wait. I won’t give it away…

5. Are you excited to have more people doing a painting marathon with you? How do you expect the group to affect the outcome?

I’m really excited to try this with a big group. I have no idea how, but I do expect the experience will change the way we all work in some fundamental way. You know that proverb, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ That sums it up I guess.

6. If any of the artists participating in 48 HRS are concerned about how they’ll work in a group and for such a long time, what would you like to tell them?

Don’t worry, we’ll have a Safe Word.

48HRS will be held from  the midnight on Friday to midnight on Sunday. Join us by posting tweets with #48HRS, and by coming on Sunday October 22, 2011, 12pm-12am at Camel Art Space!

Artists include: Lauren Collings, Julie Curtiss, Rebecca Goyette, Erin Haldrup, Katarina Hybenova, Warren King, Ken Kocses, Geddes Levenson, Rebecca Litt, Chris McGee, Joey Parlett, Jamie Powell, Babette Rittenberg, Julie Torres

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