Bike Lanes Coming to Bushwick: Attend a Meeting Tomorrow

The snow on Bushwick streets hasn’t started to melt, yet a subtle reminder of spring is already in the air. Do you remember that shweeeeesh in you hair when biking down Wyckoff Avenue?

In January we happily informed you that NYC DOT is planning on making biking in Bushwick safer by developing a network of bike lanes to serve. The organization is currently collecting as much input from the community as they can, and they encouraged us to fill out this short survey.

To discuss, brainstorm and bounce ideas of each other, NYC DOT is organizing a meeting tomorrow night, Thursday, February 19 at New Jerusalem Methodist Church (484 Knickerbocker Ave, corner Menahan Ave) from 6:30pm to 7pm.

You can directly involve the future and safety of biking in our beloved Pigeon Town.

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