#BushwickDaily Insta-Takeover: “New” Meets “Old” in Bushwick

#BushwickDaily Insta-Takeover: "New" Meets "Old" in Bushwick
Instagram Takeover – credit Stephanie Zakas – phone wires sky

One thing that makes Bushwick so wonderful is that it has lots of history on its streets – it’s a constant mesh of old and new. 

Stephanie Zakas

 is a Bushwick-based photographer and barista who set out to capture “the old with the new” for her Insta-Takeover. We all know that Bushwick is ever evolving – but much of its beauty lies in its strong roots and culture. Stephanie wanted to call attention to the longstanding elements and traditions of the neighborhood, while also acknowledging their proximity to newer fixtures. Cuz where else can you pick out your chicken for dinner and then hit up a “hot” new bar around the corner? Scroll down to see some of Stephanie’s photos and make sure to

head over to our Instagram page

 for the rest of ’em!

Stay tuned: Abel Macias gets up Close and Abstract next week.

Stephanie found us via our easy online application. Why don’t you?

Hi friends!! @stephzakas here with the #instatakeover!! Today for my theme Old and New: old traditions. #bushwick #Brooklyn #familyoutting

A photo posted by Bushwick Daily (@bushwickdaily) on Dec 12, 2014 at 11:58am PST

@stephzakas here again with my Old and New theme. I really liked the Puerto Rican flags that are across many streets here against the colors of the sky.


It’s me again, @stephzakas ✌️my theme is Old and New within the neighborhood. Either this is new, or I’m a Time Lord. #bushwick #brooklyn #uniquenewyork #instatakeover

A photo posted by Bushwick Daily (@bushwickdaily) on Dec 12, 2014 at 4:55am PST

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