New and Even Wilder Plans for the Bushwick Mall, aka Morgantown Center

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All images from The Syndicate Company website

New possible plans for the “Bushwick Mall” to be built at 74-92 Bogart Street talked about since December 2012 resurfaced today on real estate blog, Wyckoff Heights. An architecture firm, The Syndicate Company, has published several renderings of the possible “grittier Chelsea Market” to be located at Bogart Street.

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The site and the building still owed by North Development Corp. might see some changes from what was originally planned. Transformation of the entire block, into “a sprawling nightlife, retail and artist gallery complex,” as head broker for the property told Observer in 2012 might see additional 7-story vertical enlargement. Wyckoff Height speculates about a possible hotel as residential units would require rezoning.

We tried to reach representatives of The Syndicate by phone. Unfortunately, both project managers are in a meeting.

Interestingly, Andrew Clemens, the head broker for the property originally marketed by Massey Knakal, seems to be no longer working there, and it seems like he took this whole project to Ripco Real Estate (check out the sign on the building). Andrew Clemens wasn’t reachable by phone at the time of publication of this article.

We’ll keep you posted!

More renderings from The Syndicate website:

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