Paper Swan to host 9 events in Union Hall

Paper Swan

is a Bushwick-based production collective who came to the public attention thanks to the number of music events they have hosted in their Bushwick loft, Swan Loft, since 2008. Paper Swan has showcased a number of the most celebrated Brooklyn

musicians and entertainer


Now, Paper Swan have scored a collaboration with one of the most popular Brooklyn’s venues, Union Hall, sponsored by ASCAP to host a series of 9 monthly fundraising music events, the first one to support Africa Volunteer Corps. The first of the events will take place tomorrow at 8pm in Union Hall and will feature music by The Click Clack Boom, Feral Foster, Thy Burden, Rickety Wrists, and Free Advice. The admission is only $5.

Paper Swan is promising a lot of fun in the upcoming weeks in their Swan Loft in Bushwick, so stay tuned to your favorite Bushwick blog 😉


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