Everybody has their own way of celebrating Bushwick Open Studios and giving back to the community. French underground club Bizarre located right off Myrtle/Broadway JMZ stop, decided to give us what they are the most famous for – absinth. To mark their first BOS, Bizarre’s sexy bartenders and barmaids will be pouring green artsy liquid down Bushwick’s throat for the entire two hours totally free of charge. This all sounds very exciting but we’re almost worried that Bizarre will go broke after BOS. But to be honest… How many shots of absinthe can you possibly drink? Two?
I know what’s on your mind right now… You’re asking if absinthe is legal in the U.S. Yes, it is legal since 2007 but per FDA regulations all American-approved absinthes must be thujone free. Thujone is a substance that defines absinthe as a drink, and gives you the legendary transcendental “buzz.”
It seems like we won’t experience any mind-illuminating effects described by French expressionists that night but we can check out the brand-new gallery in the basement of the bar. Bizarre will present photography and film works from the travels of one of the owners, Jean-Stephane Sauvaire. Enjoy!