When Bushwick Daily got word about Morning Gloryville happening at Green Fitness Studio this Wednesday, we had to check it out. In short: Morning Gloryville is a recurring sober-rave that happens at 6:30 a.m. in various locations, and offers yoga, smoothies and massages for the masses.
So of course the question is: is this thing worth waking up with the roosters for? Well, this is what it’s actually like being there.
When you first enter, greeters insist on hugging you which to put it blankly: is not really my thing. I kind of have a general rule about not having physical contact with people I don’t know… but I appreciated the gesture nonetheless, and it really wasn’t too awkward to decline the sentiment. Once inside, there’s a lot, I mean A LOT of people dancing. I was really taken aback at how so many people committed to this thing given that most New Yorkers seem to always be rushing in the a.m. when they know DAMN WELL how long their commute to work is… but it was cool! The folks there were seriously all about getting their groove-on to Fleetwood Mac mash ups, and I’d go as far to say that the dancing was even more energized because everyone was up and refreshed. It made sense: after a good night sleep and a cup of coffee, you’re ready to go. Also, of course you’re going to make the most of a moment if you got out of bed super early for it and paid $20. So I’d say, the atmosphere was thriving.
I also appreciated that the party was focused around health and wellbeing. The snacks were healthy, there wasn’t any alcohol served, and people worked out by grooving. There were all around good vibes. So yes, if you have $20 and a free morning, I would totally suggest warming up to the idea of Morning Gloryville, and giving it a go on their next visit. You can check out their event listing here.
Delicious smoothies with fresh fruit are only $6.

bRAVE attendees show off their acrobatic skillz.

Massages are open for the masses.

Tons of people commit to dancing that early in the morning.

Hula-hoops are welcome.

These people are seriously into their yoga.

There was interesting fashion and conversations to be had.

All attendees are welcome to a yoga class.

Fine & Raw chocolate is there to serve you some sweet protein if you need it.

But most of all, there was this man in a black jumpsuit and pearls doing somersaults and dancing.

He was seriously amazing.

Man in pearls: you are my everything.