So as you may know by now, each week I peruse the #Bushwick hashtag on Instagram, and post the best of what you were wearing around the hood. If you want your photo to be featured, be sure to tag me @chixonthehud, or better yet hashtag your photo #BUSHWICKSTYLE so I can see dat shiiiiittt.
Speaking of which, our Editor-in-Chief Katarina had a brilliant idea that involves all you folk reading this here article right here right now. She wants to do a photoshoot of our favorite #BUSHWICKSTYLE contributors, so if you want to model in a very special Bushwick Daily photoshoot, it is vital, I repeat, VITAL for you to hashtag your selfies and style posts as #BUSHWICKSTYLE on Instagram. And then, more details to come.
Moving on… it’s Valentine’s week, people! And so this week’s theme is about how much I love all of you and adore perusing Instagram each week and picking out my favorite outfits. The only thing I hate about my job is how hard it is to choose, ’cause you guys are nailing it. See who showed up this week. LET ME <3 U.
I love the idea of wearing a red flannel for Valentine’s Day. It’s the perfect mix of loving cheer and I-don’t-give-a-f-swag. via @emilyarupp

A man in pink is oh-so-loving. Not sure what I mean by that. Submitted to the #BUSHWICKSTYLE hashtag. via @acgnyc

Dem lashes tho. via @k_fee_

You know when you see something so amazing you have to show it to everyone you know? Yeah, that’s how I feel about this photo right now. Like, I can’t even explain it. via @toddyhartless

Tis the season… for scarves. Submitted to #BUSHWICKSTYLE hashtag. @scarnc

Submitted to the #BUSHWICKSTYLE hashtag by Bushwick Daily’s very own @lucia_reed!

I don’t know who has the best hair in this photo, probably because they’re all equally awesome. Also shout out to the dude looking cool in the scarf. via @dre1sinceday1

You can’t really see what’s going on in this photo, but I loved it for its glamour. Also, great hair. Always great hair. Submitted to #BUSHWICKSTYLE via @thatotherkaren

Sometimes people make the right choices in life. A white streak in the tresses and red lipstick is always a good one. via @caitlinmcnaney

One of #BUSHWICKSTYLE’s favored contributors, @kevinpelrine in an awesomely printed shirt. Also serious props to any lady who can do cat eyeliner so well.

That’s some spell-binding jewelry right there. jewelery via @alkhemi9, photo via @malinfezehai

Another goodie submitted to the #BUSHWICKSTYLE hashtag. GET ON IS PEOPLE. via @love_limelight

I’m telling you people, all the cool kids are on #BUSHWICKSTYLE. I mean–don’t YOU want a Dimepiece hat? Of course you do. via @shaykwon

I swear this is the week of great hair and lipstick. Proof via @dessi_nitti

And of course, Instagram style posts in Bushwick would be nothing without an Illuminati t-shirt. Hova. via @hannahnmacdonald