Long Reads

How Bushwick Millennials are Changing the Face of the Economy and the Neighborhood

Why are so many Bushwick millennials under-employed, and what it means for the neighborhood.

Worlds Colliding: Modesto ‘Flako’ Jimenez on Being an Artist from Bushwick ‘Hood’

From a kid with glasses, braces and a Shakespeare book under his arm to a widely known and respected performance!

This Corner at Ridgewood/Bushwick Border Has Been a Prostitution Hotbed for Three Decades

Ridgewood cops have been focusing on the demand side of the prostitution problem -- yet women still seem to be worse off at the end of the day.

Rats: How to Get Rid of Bushwick’s Greatest Nemesis

I went to Rat Academy. Yes that's a thing.

Talking Gentrification with Ridgewood Native and BuzzFeed Copy Chief Emmy Favilla

BuzzFeed's Emmy Favilla recently published a powerful essay on her experiences as a forever Ridgewood resident and why her background makes putting down roots in the neighborhood as an adult a complicated thing to do

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