Tumblr Boner: StevieEatsWorms

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Steve Girard’s Tumblr kind of feels like that weird part of the internet when it’s about 4AM. You wonder if you’re only there because you can’t brain anymore.

Someone else did the legwork down the tubes for me and introduced me to the most wonderful artist blog I’ve seen in a long time. So free your minds, you old lesbians and check it out.

The Gary Larson connection may be the first one you make. A free-association surreal-pinwheel, going round-and-round, touching on similar anxieties with thought-out, recurring character-types. The drawing style calls Larson to mind as well.

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There’s a Robert Crumb quality to other pieces, the maniacal figure convinced and trying to bring you into his fold.


Steve Girard is an animator and artist working in Bushwick. This Tumblr is almost a side project, but almost not. He updates it when enough people tell him that they love him. “A Retard Gives” is an anagram of his name.

Check it out: https://stevieeatsworms.tumblr.com/

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