Another Movie Set in Bushwick Gets a Sundance Premiere

Bushwick” was not the only movie set in our neighborhood to premiere at Sundance this year. Jessica Williams who skyrocketed to fame via the “The Daily Show” stars in “The Incredible Jessica James,” a movie about a playwright in a possibly rocky new relationship with a divorced man.

Like director Jim Strouse’s other work, this movie deals with the mundane lives of regular people struggling to come to terms with some big moment in their lives. In the past, Strouse has also worked with big name actors such as John Cusak, Sam Rockwell, and Liv Tyler.

IndieWire’s review describes Jessica William’s character as “a floundering playwright who pays her bills by teaching kids theater — an endeavor that she never treats like a second-string assignment — Jessica may have big dreams, but she’s remarkably pragmatic in her approach. Her ‘deep, deep, deep Bushwick’ apartment has walls lined with rejection letters, and adding a new one to their ranks has become something of an everyday occurrence.”

Luckily, “The Incredible Jessica James” has a distribution deal already and will stream via Netflix later this year so we can see if it dwells on Bushwick at all and if it accurately depicts the neighborhood or some of the people in it. 

Featured image: Jessica Williams at The Peabody Awards by Sarah E. Freeman courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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