The New York City Porn Festival to be Held in Bushwick is Seeking Submissions

The New York City Porn Festival to be Held in Bushwick is Seeking Submissions
Image by Nyssa Frank courtesy of The NYC Porn Festival.

And you thought that Bushwick has it all. But you were wrong, oh so wrong. We don’t have a porn festival! That is until now! This scandalous lack of smut on the Bushwick soil will be corrected on February 28 through March 1, 2015 during what is to become annual NYC Porn Festival will be held at Bushwick’s experimental venue, Secret Project Robot.

“The New York City Porn Film Festival is an exploration into a mainly veiled yet enthralling part of our mainstream culture,” reads the press release. The festival aims to support independent, experimental, and low or non-budget production and to display all diversity regarding sexuality, gender expression, body culture, class, fetishism, and race; particularly, with a focus on “dynamic genders & sexualities.”

The NYC Porn Festival has released a call for submissions open until January 10, which gives Bushwick sexy filmmaking scene plenty of time to explore and to submit. The organizers are looking particularly for all stuff messy (wet, dirty, splosh, food,paint, water, mud, collages, confusion, chaos, spit, slime, garbage, filth); sci-fi/future (technology, future,cyborg, robot, machine, space, alien, post-human, android); movement (bodies, dance,choreography, travel, distance, intimacy, emotions, public transport,vehicles, sexual geography, innovative); and animated/fantasy (stop motion,drawing, tabus, manga, non-human, zombie, super hero, vampire, bizarre, gothic, furies).

The creative event programmer of the festival Simon Leahy who also co-organizes Bushwig at the same location told HuffPost:

It’s important promote discourse around sex, sexuality, porn-economics and gender. NYC sometimes seems like such a white-washed, gentrified space. We live in a hyper-sexualized society but some have archaic Victorian values around sex. Porn is something we all take part in, whether it be jacking off behind closed doors or walking down the street consuming an image of Nicki Minaj’s butt. To progress culture we need to have these conversions to challenge the older values around sex and sexuality. Homosex and Hetrosex need to find meeting points — ideally, we want to spark the next sexual revolution. I want to live in a world in which these labels don’t exist. I would like to point out that the festival isn’t a “queer” festival or a “hetro” festival. We want to include the full range of sexualities, fetishes and genders.

For submissions & general inquiries email: nycpornfilmfestival[AT]

The New York City Porn Festival @ Secret Project Robot, February 28 to March 1, 2015. Stay tuned for ticket info and full schedule. 

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