This Friday, a comedy series called “Red Hot Video Fun Time” will be premiering at Bat Haus. RHVFT invites comedians and filmmakers who hale from the likes of SNL, Adult Swim, Jezebel and Funny or Die to make short comedic videos. THIS IS NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE FROM FAMOUS PEOPLE, GUYS. And for those with a short attention span, fret not. Each of the 15 preimiered videos are only 3 minutes long, so you won’t get antsy. Entry is $5, but did we mention the show is sponsored by Brooklyn Brewery which means… free beer?
So if you’re ready to laugh and drink (cheaply), go to the Bat Haus ( tomorrow night at 8 p.m. and enjoy the show. In the meantime, check out some of these videos from their past series: