Blunderland: Meet the Artist Behind Bushwick’s Most Extravagant Cabaret and Variety Show

Blunderland is a seven-year running variety show full of shocks and surprises, and is now touring in London.

Tags: variety show

Blunderland: Meet the Artist Behind Bushwick’s Most Extravagant Cabaret and Variety Show

Blunderland is a seven-year running variety show full of shocks and surprises, and is now touring in London.

How a Tinder Date Created the Next Hottest Variety Show in Bushwick

"The Show!" is the love child of two creative strangers, who found business partnership and passion for their art via a dating app.

Boobwick Strikes Again: Strip Club Pumps Is Putting On a Pin Up Variety Show This Sunday

Bushwick’s reputation as a artistic boob haven is about to get another boost this Sunday: Brooklyn’s favorite titty-bar is going to put on a variety show featuring the very best of New York’s burlesque and vocal talent, Pumps employees